The next European Irrigation Association (EIA) Forum will be held online on Friday 19 April 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET.
Main topic : Rainwater harvesting, increasing the cooling power of urban trees to combat urban heat islands.

At the time of accelerated global change in various aspects of business, politics and social life, the opportunities to exchange between water & irrigation experts is becoming more and more important. This is the purpose of the EIA’s Irrigation Forums.
The Irrigation Forum is a gathering event held 4 times a year with the aim to cover a range of relevant topics concerning the Irrigation Sector in Europe. As well as the professional program, the forum also provides an opportunity for the participants to meet each other (these days virtually…) and to strengthen their network with European colleagues.
This time, we'll be looking at the presence of vegetation in the city, in particular trees, and their refreshing power. The cooling power of trees is based on the phenomena of shading and evapotranspiration. A good water supply to a tree promotes photosynthesis and transpiration, and therefore growth and evapotranspiration. The second part of the forum will deal with the Evolution of agricultural irrigation management techniques in the face of climate change.
- Introduction by EIA President, Moshi Berenstein.
- Welcome to the new members, EIA Communication Officer, Fleur Martin
- Guest Speaker: Abdelkader Bensaoud, Hydrasol : “Rainwater harvesting : increasing the cooling power of urban trees to combat urban heat islands ". Hydrasol has conducted an experiment on sites in the Lyon metropolitan area, in France, to assess the effects of water inputs on the cooling power of trees during periods of high heat. The aim is to collect rainwater, make it available to mature trees and monitor their hydric performance.
- Innovation & Technology session – Xavier Eftimakis, Challenge Agriculture : « Irrigation management : recent evolution of tensiometry, to face climate change. Presentation and examples”
- Open session for Q&A.
The Irrigation Forum is an event open to all industry professionals and visitors who are interested in technology, sustainability & innovation in the irrigation sector. The conference will be held in English. The participation is free of charge and you are welcome to send the invitation to your colleagues.
Link to register :
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