B-hyve is the premier irrigation platform loved by contractors and property owners.

B-hyve provides full control and monitoring of the HSC from your smart device or through the web. With built-in-wifi, Bluetooth and Ethernet, coneecting the controller to the internet has never been faster. The optional cellular connection moduel provides access in remote areas or otherwise restricted properties. To maximize water savings and keep landscapes healthy, B-Hyve pro WaterSenseTM alorythms automatically adjust watering schedules based on the weather, soil type, plant type, shade, slope, and sprinkler type. HSC Modular controller: HSC 1600 – M – 16 zones base model with metal cabinet, expands up to 48 zones with HSC- 800 – M. HSC Modular accessories: HSC-800-MD : 8-zone module with 3 stations plates. BHP-CELL-MD : Cellular communicate module. Hydrorain