Gardening methods, choice of plants, maintenance products, whether or not we build shelters: in the garden, everything we do has an impact on the species of plants, birds, animals and in-sects that inhabit the area. So what can we do to ensure the balance of animals and plants in our outdoor space? The answer in an infographic and top 10 tips for preserving biodiversity in the garden.

1. Choose local flora
No more exotic shrubs and plants chosen for purely aesthetic reasons, without taking their natural needs into account. It's high time to give preference to plant species from your own region. An essential link in the ecosystem, they adapt better than any other plant to the climate, the seasons and the animals in the garden.
2. Choose plant hedges
There's a better way to delimit your outdoor space than by building walls. Using dense deciduous shrubs to ward off wind and privacy, you can combine fences and nature. And all to the delight of the insects, birds and other small wild animals that will find refuge there! Or how to successfully preserve biodiversity in the city.
4. Accept weeds
It's a common misconception that weeds and lawns don't mix. As long as weeds aren't invasive, they're welcome to promote biodiversity. So, instead of systematically pulling them out, don't hesitate to let them flourish in an area of the garden like a wild meadow. They provide an ideal habitat for butterflies and bees.
4. Hanging birdhouses and feeders
To attract birds to the garden, there's nothing like offering them a shelter where they can take refuge in cold weather, eat or even make their nests. Whether you opt for a nesting box, a feeder or both, make sure you install them at a sufficient height to protect chickadees and sparrows from predators.
6. Opt for melliferous plants and fruit trees
Some secrete nectar or honeydew, substances from which bees make honey, while others are a great source of food for wildlife. All good reasons to plant melliferous species (such as cowshed or chestnut) and fruit trees in your garden, to make it easier for birds and insects to enjoy your garden throughout the seasons.
7. Reduce noise and visual pollution
Noise and artificial light disrupt animals' life cycles and their defenses against predators. Thinking of them means starting by being less noisy, but also by reducing the use of outdoor lighting. Everything to ensure that the ecosystem of small garden animals is as natural as possible, even in the city!